Useful Links
Below you will find useful links to websites which will provide you with more information
Enrichment Fund - Standing Order Form
Parent Volunteer Form - to volunteer in school, please complete this form.
Parentpay - The school's financial system for paying for trips, meals, wrap around care, and selecting clubs.
Cool Milk - We offer free milk to children who are under 5 or are receiving financial support. If your child is over 5 they can still receive milk but there will be a charge. Click on the Cool Milk link to take you to the website for more details and to register.
Free School Meals - If you think your child might be eligible for free school meals click the link to find out more details from the Richmond Borough website.
Sanco Schoolwear website for the branded uniform.
Regeneration of Sheen Lane - details of the Ben Hamilton-Baillie report and their vision for Sheen Lane.