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Thomson House School

Thomson House School

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About Us


Thomson House believes that its pupils' emotional wellbeing is inextricably linked to that of their community.  

We promote an ethos of kindness and community service throughout the school by encouraging pupils to help each other (collaborative working practices); by organising charitable fund-raising events to help those less fortunate than ourselves; and by having a PSHE curriculum which includes character-building education to encourage children to help in the community in which they work and live.  

We have a focus on strong bonds between families and school - our school has a warm family atmosphere and we have established a solid partnership with our parents because we recognise that a child will only fulfil their learning potential if school and home work in partnership. 

Thomson House is also dedicated to a green agenda – we actively discourage parents and staff from bringing cars to school; we use public transport where we can on school trips; and we have an active walk to school programme. 

Thomson House pupils are kind to the environment in which they live and the global environment.