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Thomson House School

Thomson House School


Creativity needs courage.

-Henri Matisse

The curriculum for Art and Design at Thomson House School enables pupils to experience and be inspired by a broad range of artistic styles during their time with us. They will explore a wide variety of different artistic eras and periods, mediums, materials and purposes. Pupils will learn about colour, pattern, print making, texture, form and drawing in a range of contexts. Artists, architects, and designers have been chosen to reflect the diversity of our modern day society, ensuring that the children can see themselves in a range of creative roles and believe that anyone can become an artist.

The focus will be on process over product, on expressing themselves creatively in response to a stimulus. Where possible, there will be meaningful cross-curricular links to other current subject content, allowing pupils to become immersed in their learning. Lessons will follow a sequence of exploration, research, planning, making, and evaluating. Each learning opportunity will have a collection of artwork and artists linked to it for reference, discussion and inspiration.