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Thomson House School

Thomson House School

How to Apply

Thomson House School Pupil Admission Number (PAN)


 60 pupils


60 pupils

We want to work as part of the local family of outstanding schools, and therefore our admissions process is run by the Local Authority of Richmond-upon-Thames. If you would like to apply to Thomson House, you can apply through the Achieving for Children website, selecting Thomson House as one of your preferences.

Reception Class Admissions:

The Reception class is the first class of the main school, which children join when they are four going on five years old, i.e. the September before their fifth birthday. 

All Reception class applications must be made using your home Local Authority’s common application form (CAF) and should be submitted to your Local Authority.  You can apply for up to six schools on one application form, which should be listed in order of preference and you are advised to use all six preferences.  Your preferences will be considered under an equal preference system; i.e. all preferences are considered separately, regardless of their ranking on your form, therefore, if your application is successful for more than one school, you will offered a place at the school you ranked highest on your CAF.

When considering your preferences, you will need to consider carefully the admissions process and the over-subscription criteria.  

If a school receives more applications than the number of places it has to offer, the places will be offered in accordance with Achieving for Children's over-subscription criteria, which is available to view here. You are strongly advised to ensure that you fully understand the admissions process and the over-subscription criteria before making your application for a place at any school. 

The London Borough of Richmond produces a comprehensive admissions brochure, which is available online, from the borough.  We would highly recommend that you obtain a copy and read the advice before making your application.

You can apply online or on a paper CAF form (which can be obtained from your Local Authority’s admissions department).  If you apply online, you will receive notification of the result of your application via email the day before parents who have applied on paper, who will be notified by post.  It is extremely important to ensure that you return your application form by the deadline.  Late applications severely limit your chances of gaining a place for your child at your preferred school. 

The address you provide on the application form must be the address at which the child normally resides, you will need to provide proof of address along with your application.  It is a criminal offence to give a false address and the Local Authority / school reserves the right to withdraw any offer made on the basis of inadequate, inaccurate or deliberately misleading information.

Each year we hold open mornings for prospective parents, when parents are invited to look round the school, meet the Headteacher and other teaching staff, and collect any related documents, as well as ask any questions about the school or the admissions process.

In Year Admissions:

If you are looking for a place mid-year please call us first to find out if we have available places :

Thomson House School: 020 3608 2080 or

You will then need to make an application for mid-year admissions through Richmond Borough Achieving for Children. Please see this link for further information:

The London Borough of Richmond's In-Year Admissions Team hold all information regarding waiting lists and school vacancies. You can contact the admissions team on:

Should you have any queries or would like further information regarding Thomson House School or admissions in general, please do not hesitate to get in touch, and we will be happy to help.