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Thomson House School

Thomson House School

The CommitteE

Role of the Committee

The FOTH Committee consists of 8 members Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Coordinators (x3), Co-opted parent member (x1) and a Co-opted staff member. We also have many subcommittee members.

The Committee meet on a regular basis, usually once a month outside of school and working hours. Smaller working group meetings are necessary to organise our bigger events. We hold open meetings termly whereby everyone is welcome.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held at the beginning of the year (January), and this is an opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about events, and funds raised, and how the money has been spent. It is also the occasion when we elect our new Committee so please do come along.

A list of FOTH Committee members is as follows:

Danielle Lovell Chair
Em Bellshaw Naylor Secretary
Kristin Froud Treasurer
Andy Barnes Events Co-ordinator
Sarah Steyn Events Co-ordinator
Alison Hanrahan Events Co-ordinator
Darren Webster Co-opted Member
Sarah Hepworth-Hurst Co-opted Staff Member

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